A Caravanner’s Prayer

We replaced our caravan this summer, and while there are times when I miss hotel holidays in the sun – remember when you used to bring a pile of books to read by the pool, and children were the amusing distractions belonging to other people? – I am very grateful to have this way of living together away from home for a few weeks.
I started scribbling this prayer a few weeks ago, and with a bit of editing share it with you now…

Thank you God for this caravan.
Protect our family when we’re in it; protect us when we’re towing it.
May it be
a place of meaningful moments, restful peace and deep sleep;a base for adventures to begin and fun days to end;a space for prayer and singing about you God, and a host for holy conversations.
Allow our devices to fail but our hearts to soar, the great outdoors to be our playground, raindrops on the roof our lullaby.
Lord, may our time in this caravan instill in us a sense of longlasting security, freedom, generosity, imagination and courage to live for you as a family on mission at home and away.

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