Or at least of De Vinity?
It’s been a while since I last blogged, apologies for that, broadband took a while to get sorted once we moved. But now we have moved to the seaside, and very nice it is too. More on that another time, but I wanted to share about graduating at the start of July…
My first time round at Queen’s had left a bitter taste in my mouth – I scraped a 2:2 in Law and Accounting and didn’t get to graduate with my friends due a failed module in the last semester.
This time was much better!
If you’ll allow me a moment of pride, it felt good to be at a graduation ceremony (which included this year’s law students) where my name came near the start of the list instead of the end! The Masters of Divinity degree, which was the bane of my life at many points, was lots of hard work but well worth it. And look – I got to celebrate the completion of three years’ of study with some lovely people 🙂
One of the main roles of a minister is to be one of a congregation’s theologians – someone who attempts to think theologically and to help other people do the same. I’ve had a good grounding. So thank you, Edgehill, it’s been a fun six years. The staff and students who have accompanied me on this journey have been wonderful. And thank you, lovely wifey and son – your support has been invaluable, and I love you.
And a new chapter begins…