I was reminded of the verses from Philippians 4 again this morning – Rejoice in the Lord (which was pretty much my life motto when I was in school) and a few verses later, the promise of the Peace of God that passes all understanding.
Seems to me like we all need a bit of peace. And God’s peace is real peace. There don’t seem to any pre-conditions attached to receiving it, but I think the preceding verses say something about a life-attitude that aids and abets a peace-full life:
Rejoice in the Lord
Be gentle (how many ‘gentlemen’ do you know?)
Pray about stuff (rather than dwell on it and not let God in on the problem)
Be thankful (there’s always something to be thankful for)
These are life choices – either I decide to live this rejoicing, gentle, prayerful, thankful life, or I don’t.
Something I read today (from http://www.goshen.edu/devotions):
In choosing joy, I make a conscious effort to think of all that I am thankful for
and I am reminded of how blessed I am. In choosing to worship, in choosing joy I
find the darkness of the day lifted and I am reminded that I am not alone. During
this season of Lent, may we purposefully choose joy and experience worship.