The Lost Return

Having been prodded by Tina to blog more, I thought I’d share another two movies with you that I’ve seen in the last couple of weeks…

First, Enchanted – the return of the traditional Disney family film, I thought it was brilliant! Done really well as it moves from old-style cartoon to real-life New York but with continuing fairytale characters, Enchanted spoke on a range of levels. Perhaps a random thing to do on New Year’s Eve, but it was fun to be at a late showing in a cinema with a few kids around who genuinely enjoyed it – big innocent laughs do your heart good. On a more adult level there were themes of faithfulness and especially joy in the small things.

The other movie was Peter Pan – this was originally released a week after Return of the King so most people (including me) didn’t go to see it in the cinema. But one of the digital channels has been playing it a few times over the holidays and I happened to catch it one of those times. Perhaps I’m a big wuss, and a big child, but it grabbed me! Spoiler ahead (for both August Rush and Peter Pan)…

Yes, I wept. Again. Perhaps for a similar reason to August Rush, as the story drew to a close I was incredibly moved by the depiction of lost children being found. When Wendy and her brothers returned to their home, along with the ‘Lost Boys’ I felt God was saying something about children of Christian parents who wander from faith (what Rob Parsons calls ‘prodigals’) – that they would return, and bring others who had no (Christian) parents. As ever, it’s hard to describe, but it spoke to my heart and maybe to yours.

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