Timothy notched another hospital on his list at the weekend, this time Craigavon Area Hospital – he had a wee infection that needed antibiotics but it was decided that he ought to get his first two days’ doses intravenously. So lucky mummy got to spend the weekend with him – brought back not-so-happy memories of being in the Lagan Valley and then the Royal when he was born and had dehydration problems.
All is well now though, so don’t be worrying for us!
I just wanted to encourage the Christians out there who are nurses, doctors, auxilliaries, cleaners, etc in hospital. It can be a very scary experience for those of us who have just brought a new life into the world. Then when something goes a bit wrong the sensation is not unlike that of drowning.
We thank God for the staff we met who did more than they had to, who saw us as people, who could see our fears and frustrations and tried their best to help. From the lady who changed the bin bags every day who promised to pray for us at her church prayer meeting, to the midwife who calmly explained what was happening, to the nurse who sat with Kathryn in the night, to the doctor who came in specially just to say hi. None of them talked about church. None of them talked about Jesus. They didn’t need to – he shone out of them in everything they did.
Can there be anything more important than allowing the grace of God to transform us without realising, forming us into a people who love and care and bring God’s Kingdom a little closer to the broken and wounded of this world?