I’m sitting in our study/guestroom/dump/nursery re-checking my exam results… I did fine in New Testament and Theology but the real shocker for me was Greek – 72% !!! Now it may have been an easier than normal exam (the class average was 71) but who cares? I got a First in Greek!
All on top of a good week news-wise. Anyone spot the other piece of news?
Well you were rechecking your results, so that must mean that your eyes are fine and you don’t need that Optomeist’s appointment afterall! Phew! What a weight off your mind!
I know – isn’t it great?!
Ah so now the REAL reason for the negativitiy about Tina’s LJHW! You and Kathryn would have the buy 3 tickets and not just 2!!! Congratulations!! Kari xo
Which is why we’re going to have our own mini-LJHW in September! Tina – will you still be around?
Yes I will be! Do you know what sort of dates?