Prayers for Pentecost

I wrote these prayers for use on Pentecost Sunday, and share them here in case you might find them helpful (feel free to use/amend in worship as you see fit).

We’re going to pray for the filling of the Holy Spirit, for us and for the world. The response to “Holy Spirit, fall on us now” is “and fill us afresh, we pray”

Holy Spirit, fall on us now,
and fill us afresh, we pray.

We take a moment of stillness as we invite God to minister to us.

Holy Spirit, fall on us now,
and fill us afresh, we pray.

[PAUSE for ~30 seconds]

God of all wisdom, you led your people out of Egypt and into the Promised Land.
Give us your vision and lead us in your ways.
>> Help us as a church family to do the things you want us to do.
Holy Spirit, fall on us now,
and fill us afresh, we pray.

Creator God, you have inspired writers and artists, preachers and architects.
Use us to form things of beauty and truth.
>> Help us to connect the people we meet with the God whom we love.
Holy Spirit, fall on us now,
and fill us afresh, we pray.

All-powerful God, you prompt courage in your people to communicate effectively about your Son, Jesus Christ.
Warm our hearts and embolden us to share Jesus in words and action.
>> Let’s pause for a moment as we think about the people we know, and the people we don’t yet know, who need to grasp the love of God in Christ.
Holy Spirit, fall on us now,
and fill us afresh, we pray.

Almighty God of love, you heal by speaking a word, by touching a hand, by breathing your presence into our lives.
Empower us to bring healing to the lonely, the sick and the estranged people we meet.
>> We pray by name in our hearts for folks who need God’s restoration, recovery and reconciliation today.
Holy Spirit, fall on us now,
and fill us afresh, we pray.

Mysterious God, you do strange and wonderful things to bring about your Kingdom rule in the lives of individuals, communities and nations.
Move in your power to do more than we could ever ask or imagine.
>> Bless and guide our civic leaders, bring peace to Jerusalem, quell the spread of Covid-19, and establish your peace across the globe.
Holy Spirit, fall on us now,
and fill us afresh, we pray.


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