It’s a long time since I’ve posted – I’m realising that some of the things I used to put on my blog now appear on Twitter, or even as comments on Facebook. And seeing as people reading this blog on the web might not be connected to me on Facebook, I thought it might be an idea to bring some of those comments ‘into the open’… Who knows how long this will last, let’s face it, my track record hasn’t been good since leaving College!
I use the ‘Superbadger‘ app on facebook to engage with politicians and business leaders, campaigning for poverty and justice issues with Tear Fund. Today I sent David Cameron a message to congratulate his government on their commitment to not only freeze, but increase the foreign aid package of the UK in the comprehensive spending review. It says something when a Conservative government goes out of its way to support the most impoverished people in the world, even at a cost to our own country.
As far as I can tell (from the ‘cash’ link on this page:, most families in this country with an income up to ~£2000 per month will lose out by approx £250 per year by 2012 – a fiver a week. I’m hoping that won’t bring too much hardship to people. The big problem will be job losses, we need to push hard for clever thinking in saving and creating jobs. I wish I knew how to do that!
The foreign aid increases, according to George Osbourne (, will save the lives of 50,000 pregnant women and 250,000 babies. I’m ok with that. See Christian Aid’s response here: