
Brian Heasley has found an interesting poem on the call of leadership, the call of being Church.

You can read it here.

It adds to something I read yesterday from UCB’s Word for Today – which can go for months without inspiring me and then there seem to be weeks where every day is appropriate, such is the way of things:

Dreams appear crazy (humanly speaking, they are crazy!). Placed alongside the triangle of logic, cost and timing, such dreams usually seem beyond our reach. They won’t fly when you test them against the gravity of reality. And the strangest part is the more they are told ‘can’t’ the more they pulsate ‘can’ and ‘will’ and ‘must.’

Are we being called in these days to be reckless for Jesus? To dream of an impact far beyond our locality and human reach? An impact not of our making, but of God’s – a holy people made so not through our own efforts but through God’s grace – a world transformed through the renewing of our minds into the likeness of Christ, the ultimate risk-taker for the Kingdom of God.

This is a challenge for those of us whose natural personality veers more towards accounting standards of prudence!

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